sâmbătă, 1 februarie 2014

KPUP 1st Comenius Meeting, 8th -11th November, 2012, IES Valle de Aller, Moreda de Aller Spain

                          INITIAL MEETING: IES Valle de Aller (8th-11th November 2012)

                During this first meeting of the Comenius project, held in IES Valle de Aller, we have organized four formal Comenius Working Meeting with the following agenda:
I Comenius Project Work Meeting
-          Integration of the Comenius project in the Curriculum of the schools.
-          Sharing opinions about the different programmed activities.
-          Revision of the working calendar
-          Agreements in communications.
II Comenius Project Work Meeting
-          Students mobility
-          Preparation of reports
-          Diffusion plan
-          Introduction of the LOGO of the project.
-          Creation of the blog of the project.
III Comenius Project Work Meeting
-          Introduction of associated school and teachers (their countries, their schools) to students of 3º y 4º ESO and the Spanish teachers participating in the project
IV Comenius Project Work Meeting
-          Design of activities of students before the visit
-          Preparation of the visit of students and teachers to the program visit to Turkey
-          Signature of agreements and certificate of the meeting
-          Evaluation of the meeting.

These are the conclusions and agreements according to each meeting:
1.       All the associated partners agree that our Comenius project: “Knowing the past to understand the present” is fully integrated in the curriculum of our schools and educational system curriculum.
2.       We revised all the programmed activities in the application form and we agree with all of them. However, we also agree that every school can add more activities concerning the project according the necessities of their school.
3.       Apart from the delay of the initial meeting, due to the best possibilities for all schools implied, we all agree in the original calendar of activities and mobility. It was proposed the date of visit and mobility of students for Turkey and Sweden Comenius meeting, according to the following calendar:
-          TURKEY: From 18th to 24th MARCH
-          SWEDEN: From 27th May to 2nd June
4.       Respecting communications, we all agree in the following aspects.
·         The official communication about the project will be by e-mail through the coordinators of the project.
·          Apart from that, it will be created a gmail group among the participant teachers. The Turkish partner will be in charge of it.
·         It will also be created a facebook group. The Turkish partner will be in charge of it.
·         We will also create an e-mail addresses data among our students to communicate among them.
·         We will also use video conference as a way of communication after our students have met in the second Comenius meeting.

With regards student mobility, we all agreed each partner school will carry out the mobility to each associated country with 4 students and 2 teachers, according the money we have been assigned in the project.
        However, it was discussed the possibility to increase the number of students in the mobility in the case they could be lodged in a family house. This, obviously, would reduce expenses in every student and would make possible to extend the number of students. In the case of Romania and Spain, it is possible to find families to lodge the students. In the case of Turkey, the school needs some time to consider the idea. The Swedish partner considered it was quite difficult the lodging in families due to the different conditions of their students (many students to lodge and families houses are usually small flats).
        On the other hand, we all agreed that our intermediate Comenius report will be elaborated in our meeting in Sweden, in May.
        We all agreed of the diffusion of the project, according to the guide lines reflected in the application form.
        The Spanish partner introduced the LOGO of the Comenius project: “Knowing the past to understand the present”. It was elaborated by the IES Valle de Aller teacher from the Arts Department, Mrs. Marta Rodriguez. After the presentation and the explanations about the elaborations of it, all the associated schools accepted it as the logo of the project.
        In this session, it was also created the blog of the Comenius project. It was decided the name of the blog: KPUP (Knowing the past to understand the present).
IES Valle de Aller will be in charge of this official blog of the project, and all the activities, reports, and materials will be reflected on it, from all the partner schools. We agreed that official language will be English, but we also contribute to the blog in our own languages, promoting the idea of understanding our customs and traditions. The Swedish partner, due to the special circumstances of the students (most of the immigrant) will only write their report in English.
        The creation of an official project blog (where all the information will be included) doesn´t mean that each school could create their own blogs in their schools.

The four Comenius associated school introduced their countries and schools to the educative community of IES Valle de Aller. In the case of students it was focused in students aged: from 14 to 16 years old.
We all agree in the design of activities of students before the next mobility. We are all going to work in a general vision of each country History, but them we are to focus our attention in the History of the country we are going to visit each time. In this case Turkey. The teachers of each visiting countries are going to give us a guideline of the most important things to learn about their History to be used in our lessons of History with our students participating in the project.
At the same time, the students of every partner school will also work on a specific topic or theme about their History to present it in the guest country partner school.
In general, all the partner schools prefer to have a general vision of History of the whole country, with no distinctions among different areas or regions. In the case of Spain, the school would prefer to focus just on the region of Asturias, but they will try to adapt, apart from Asturias, to a general vision of Spanish History.
The activities that will be designed to prepare the visit are: Project songs, Language teams, History lessons, Debates discussion on History, Prepare common rules on debates, Common phrase dictionary of all common languages, Student blogs.
It is also agreed to develop a Project Guide in which all the activities we make are reflected. The official blog is a good tool to do that.
Romania partners express their wish to move the mobility to their school to October 2013, instead of November. That was accepted by all the associated partners.
It was also considered as an important point in the project to reflect the differences between past and present in each associated country, focus on comparison of all possible historical elements, including social aspects.
Finally, we are agreed in the criteria to choose students for the mobility to each associated school:
- Level of English
- Work on History
- Motivation on the project
The average of age of the candidates will vary between 15 to 17 years old. The Sweden partner school could increase the age until 18, depending of the special circumstances of some students.
It was given a certificate for all participants in the meeting according to the meeting calendar.
It was also made an evaluation of this initial meeting in Spain from the part of the participants
                                Margarita Gandullo
                                Project Coordinator
                                Moreda de Aller, 11th November 2012

Prima Reuniune de Proiect

                         Din 1 august 2012 Colegiul National Radu Negru Fagaras este partener in  proiectul scolar multilateral Comenius KNOWING THE PAST TO UNDERSTAND THE PRESENT (“Sa cunoastem trecutul pentru a intelege prezentul”), proiect in curs de derulare, inregistrat cu numarul de referinta 12-PM-504-BV-ES, realizat cu sprijinul financiar al Comisiei Europene, Programului Sectorial Comenius, component al Programului de Invatare pe tot Parcursul Vietii. Acest proiect se va desfasura pana in 31 iulie 2014 si reuneste parteneri din cinci tari europene : Romania (Fagaras), Spania (Moreda), Lituania (Vilnius), Turcia (Istanbul) si Suedia (Stockholm), care si-au propus ca in decursul celor doi ani de proiect sa coopereze in vederea atingerii obiectivelor principale ale proiectului.
                          Ceea ce urmareste proiectul cu precadere este promovarea atitudinilor pozitive fata de trecutul si  prezentul tarii noastre dar si un dialog cultural, sustinut intre toate tarile implicate in parteneriat. Urmarim perfectionarea abilitatilor de comunicare in limba engleza si motivarea elevilor nostri de a-si dori sa cunoasca mai bine spatiul european. Ca produse finale propune o varietate de strategii si instrumente didactice bazate pe activitati centrate pe elev, care pot fi publicate pe blogul proiectului si pe site-ul institutiei noastre dar si in presa locala.
                            Obiectivele primei reuniuni de proiect care s-a desfasurat in IES Valle de Aller, Moreda, in perioada 8 -11 Noiembrie, 2012, au fost: integrarea proiectului Comenius in programul curricular al scolilor partenere, schimbul de pareri cu privire la programul proiectului, calendarul activitatilor, stabilirea modului de comunicare pe parcursul proiectului.
                             Au avut loc sedinte de lucru privind mobilitatile elevilor si profesorilor participanti la proiect, dezvoltarea planului de lucru, pregatirea rapoartelor, introducerea logo-ului proiectului, prezentarea tarii, regiunii, orasului si scolii fiecarui partener, stabilirea modului de comunicare, crearea site-ului si grupului KPUP (Knowing the Past to Understand the Present), crearea blogului oficial al proiectului, organizarea vizitelor si activitatilor proiectului conform cu directiile stabilite de la inceput si inscrise in formularul de aplicare aprobat, discutarea si stabilirea datelor cand vor avea loc vizitele cu elevii.
                         De asemenea, au avut loc vizite culturale urmarind introducerea principalelor obiective turistice ale regiunii si cunoasterea prin observatie directa a specificitatii zonei.
                      Diseminarea primei reuniuni de proiect din Spania se efectueaza in prezent la nivelul scolii, la indicatiile Directiunii, si este  urmata de sedinte de lucru, activitati la clasa precum si activitati extracurriculare in cadrul Clubului Comenius al Institutiei noastre, realizate de coordonator si echipa de proiect formata din: profesor Bogdan Ion Directorul Colegiului, profesor Remus Mogos, Director adjunct, profesor coordonator proiect Bica Eugenia, responsabil Catedra de engleza si al Comisiei pentru proiecte internationale, profesor Ionut Marcela, coordonator de proiecte si programe de educatie, profesor Micu Elena, responsabil Catedra de socio-umane, profesor Manduc Alina, responsabil Comisia dirigintilor, profesor de istorie Comaromi Cristian, profesor de limba spaniola Negrila Anca, profesor de limba romana Gogea Magda, profesor de limba romana Nastasa Adriana, profesor de limba romana Anca Mogos, profesor de informatica Suciu Dana, profesor Ionut Dorin, membru in Consiliul de Adminstratie.

                                                                                    Eugenia Bica
                                                                                    Coord Proiect

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